Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Collection Showcase: Something new I'm trying...

I've decided to try something a bit different with my collection; each day I will post a short YouTube video highlighting 5 new cards or items each day from my collection and will talk about each one of them.  It gives me more time and freedom to speak and explain nuances of the cards, how I acquired them, etc.

I actually really enjoy making these short videos.  I've found that I forget how I've felt about some of the things I've acquired, so pulling them out and talking about them has been a great way for me to reminisce.

Also, the feedback I've been getting on my videos has been good, although I would like to reach a broader audience, so I've been trying to plug it on the forums to get some more viewers and subscribers to those who really care.

So, if you are interested to see and learn more, the playlist link is below:
