Thursday, July 24, 2014

Been a busy week!

This has been a busy week thus far for my collection. In order of acquired:

Got this card as my first COMC purchase. Got it simply b/c it's numbered to 5, tied for my second lowest numbered card.

Today, came this:

This is an upgrade to my current Exhibit, and bought for the same price. This one is much nicer, so I'll be listing the replaced on eBay sometime soon.


Got this card from a fellow FCB'er in a trade

Thanks dudes

Friday, July 18, 2014

New pickup: Batter Up v3 + a discovery

Nailed another color variation in the 1934 Batter Up rainbow for a cool $50:

Also was part of a cool discovery that took place on the Net54 forums.  It was thought that cards #1-81 had 6 color variations of each card. It was discovered that cards #40-81 of the set have 4 color variations: magenta, blue, black and brown upon extensive research from ended eBay auction, other collectors' cards, etc.  So that was pretty cool, I've never been part of a discovery before. Which means I only need a browntone card to finish this set, which I've been at for almost a year already.

Well, until next time cronies.